Low Cost Weld Purging with Weld Purge Plugs™

Weld Purging smaller tubes and pipes of different diameters can be challenging, especially when budgets are tight. Often, Welders are left to create their own homemade purging dams out of unsuitable materials such as foam, paper or cardboard.

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT® have designed and developed clinically clean, white Nylon Weld Purge Plugs™, providing a great barrier for weld purging at a very low cost.

Luke Keane, Technical Sales Manager for HFT® said: “For welding complicated nickel alloy, titanium and stainless steel tubes and pipe joints as well as stubs, elbows and tees, Weld Purge Plugs™ are a perfect product to seal all holes and orifices for quality internal weld purging. They can also be used for weld purging small or odd diameter pipes where conventional inline pipe purging systems may not be practical.” 

Weld Purge Plugs™ are made from engineering quality nylon up to 6” (152 mm) diameter and will not seize up, rust or corrode. A friction-reducing washer inserted between the top plate and wing nut provides easy expansion and release.

The low cost, lightweight Weld Purge Plugs™ are also available in ready-made Weld Purging and Orbital Welding Kits containing the most common sizes of Purge Plugs™ used. Each kit has a strong robust ABS plastic case, with custom foam inlays for storage and quick location of the plugs where needed.

Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT® also design and manufacture a Range of Tandem Weld Purging Systems in sizes 1” to 88”, producing oxide free welds time after time.

The Tandem Systems isolate a small volume either side of the weld to reduce inert gas costs and to bring the weld purging time down to a fraction of what it might take using other kinds of dams and unsuitable materials. 

weld purge plugs, weld purging, back purging, purge and weld, huntingdon fusion weld purge plugs, weld purging, back purging, purge and weld, huntingdon fusion


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Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT® are proud members of:

American Welding Society International Tube Association The Welding Institue Welding World

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